Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Old College Roommate

I know it's been a little while since my last post. Life just hasn't been funny for a while. Until now.

I took an extended weekend to get away and visit the family in sunny Florida. And everyone knows what you find in sunny Florida. Old people. I guess it's doubly so when you visit your family in a retirement community.

In said retirement community, they have get-togethers at the "clubhouse" every month. Actually, I think they do it much more frequently... like every day. But they have a dinner party once a month. Maybe more. I don't actually care. As I'm sure you don't. Anyway, they had a pizza party last night. Sometimes they charge money for these events. But this one was free. So EVERYONE came. Don't get your panties in a bunch now. That's not the funny part.

I was sitting between my grandfather and my uncle, away from my sisters and my parents. And across from us was a very nice couple. She might have been a little cross-eyed, but we don't pick on people for how they look. Right now. I don't remember their names. I don't think I took note of them at all. It's not important anyway. What is important is the conversation between them and my aunt and uncle. It went something like this.

"How was your winter?"
"Oh, it was pretty good. My daughter and son came down to visit."
"Nice. We had a busy winter too. We had lots of visitors.... My grandson came down too. He brought his old college roommate."

Who do they think they're fooling? Who goes with their college roommate to visit his grandparents? Anybody? Anybody? Or maybe he was fooling them.

I wanted to bring my "college roommate" to Florida with me this time, but it wasn't the right visit for it. Next time.

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I also love Bert and Ernie...they were so ahead of their time. Here they are enjoying some tap dancing...because college roommates like tap dancing together, too...

